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Friday, February 29, 2008

Ultimate Sadness

So I read this story on engadget, one of my fav. blogs. Without further delay, here's the story:
There's certainly been no shortage of sad stories involving Xboxes, but when it comes to attempts to get the console repaired, this latest tale from a gamer known only as Nathaniel might have to take the cake. As you can see above, his console (one of the first to hit the market) boasted a good deal of personalization, including signatures from folks at Bungie and the Xbox 360 team, and a spiffy illustration by Rooster Teeth Comics artist Luke McKay. As with many other Xbox users, however, Nathaniel's console eventually packed it in, and he was forced to send it to Microsoft for repairs. Needless to say, that's when things took a turn for the worse. Despite calling ahead of time and getting assurances that his prized console would be sent back intact, and including a letter reiterating how much the console meant to him, Microsoft apparently took it upon themselves to clean it as best they could before returning it, leaving only a few faint smudges of permanent marker to ensure that it was, in fact, the same Xbox. There's no word as to what Nathaniel plans to do next (other than weep), but given that Microsoft gave the royal treatment to someone that did nothing more than get a Zune tattoo, you'd think they could at least give the guy a few free points or something.
Now how awfully sad it is that after all the efforts made by Nathan, Microsoft employees still did not see any sentimental value to this, erasing it all. I'd like you to think not in terms of XboX but perhaps consider your favorite sport or tv show or something. Now consider how important a shirt, piece of paper etc. etc. will be to you to have it signed by you idol in NFL or NBA and how would YOU feel to see it all destroyed by an outsider?
Lastly, I'd just add that if this was my console and got ruined like that by evil, cold, emotionless hands, I'd cry more than I cried for the one whose name shouldn't be said. Those who know her name, good, those who don't ... idk!! Yeah, i'd cry that much and hate microsoft more than I hate Sony and Yahoo combined.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ok.. this is WTF Random!

I go to work yesterday and see this e-mail from bossjee:


I got the jury duty notification... I called in and they're asking me to show up to court. Will have to leave work around 12.


Whee.. Bossjee was not around yesterday.. yippee.. After work,.. I went home and heard this..

Daddy: Can you believe it!? I had to show up to court today for Jury Duty AND I have to show up TOMORROW too. And it has only been less than a year since we turned citizens. How come mummy and you didn't get called in yet???

I go to work today and talk to boss..

Me: How was jury duty boss?
Boss: (frustrated groan).. I have to show up today also.
Me: hmm.. Weird so does my dad... Did you go to the court in so and so city?
Boss: Yes. Such a pain in the ass jury duty is..

I go home after work and what do I hear:

Daddy: Deepa, I ran into your boss today at the court. We had a nice little conversation about you. He's a very tall man isn't he...

WTF Randomness! Boss and Daddy had to get called on the same day for the same case and for the same court... I have used a lot of "hanging out with coworkers and boss (even though I'm really hanging out with others)" excuses to my parents.. Hopefully the nice little conversations during jury duty won't expose my tiny harmless fibs.. :o)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kutiya won the oscar

Why would I say that? Cuz it sounded like it.. no I wouldn't have noticed that until my mom interjected right after the announcement

Announcer: "And the oscar goes to (Frenchis accent) Marion Coutillard/Kutiya"

Mom: "KYA!!! KUTIYA!!! WHAT!!"

At this point I realized I should have never asked her to switch to ABC even for the oscars.. she was doing fine with Zee TV :P

Congratulations to kutiya !!
She is an awesome actress no matter what.

*NOTE: Kutiya in hindi means female dog ... bitch

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