So what were two Hindu vegetarians doing at a Steak House during their lunch hour?
Bolo Bolo...
Nothing! We would've been thinking out of our ASSES if we did end up going to a steak house... Hare Ram Ram! What did end up happening was as follows:
Dhubhra and I went to an all-shaakahari (vegetarian) Gujurati dhaba (fast-food place). We went to go get the napkins, plastic utensils and such. Now, the napkins were all turned upside down, and when we turned them over, instead of the shaakahari restaurant's name imprinted on the napkin, El Rancho SteakHouse (see image above) was seen.
Obviously, we couldn't hold back our laughter, and instantly clicked a pic of the napkin. And as part of a lame prank/joke, we show this pic to people we know and cheesily state, "Look Look... Both of us went to a steak house for lunch."
End of story... It's the weekend... I'm outta here.!