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Monday, August 27, 2007

Mr or Miss Clean

So I was talking to a friend the other day. She seemed a bit down since she just broke up with her boyfriend. Conversation went something like so:

Me: How are you feeling?
Her: Ok I guess.
Me: Yea.. Break ups suck...
Her: Yea.. I shouldn't have wasted time on him
Me: Happens..
Her: Well.. at least I'm still clean..

Clean.. Hmm.. Nothing sexually 'drastic' happened between the two of them, and so she thinks of it as clean.

The word bothered me since this is an outlook a lot of Indian girls or girls in general have. If I have not done a certain things, I am clean... Are girls supposed to take pride if they are? What about those that do take 'drastic measures' and 'taint' themselves? Is 'tainted' the word to use to describe these type of girls now?

What are the mens's perspectives? Are girls looked at as clean or dirty depending on their past actions? What is the line between being clean and being dirty? Is this even a fair question to ask in the first place? I think not.. But obviously, my fellow friend and many others do seem to give a lot of unsignificant importance to staying a certain way.

Bhaarat Mahan

Hey...I had some rather "Lovely" incidents during that transition from USA to India. Firstly, at the Barber's at New Park Mall. That lady was rather chatty..and seemed to think that I was an encyclopedia on India. (Heck! I've seen more of the US than India) :P
Then came the million dollar question: How much does a haircut cost in India? answer almost killed her. Rs. that's 40 cents! She looked like she was going to faint!

Then yeah, when I got back, a rickshaw waala who rides me from school to home quite frequently inquired where I'd been all these months..when I told him I was in the US, he wanted to know how much the "kiraaya" is for a rikshaw in the US. :/ erk erk erk erk

And uff!! Another one tells me...."Apna desh hi accha hai Udit ji, jo bhi keh lo. Wahan pata hai, ladke-ladke shaadi karte hain".

oho! erk. yes yes.

Apna Bhaarat Mahan. :P